Here are some emails sent from our troops...
Other years are here: 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008-2005
From 2009 From: Armstead, Richard J II
SFC MIL USA FORSCOM Merry Christmas to you all too. We did receive your package. Thank You so very much. It was most appreciated. We sent a small token of our appreciation for all that you do and have done for all Soldiers currently deployed. Thank you again and Merry Christmas. The New Year is upon us Doc Armstead From: Matthew Torries
I have recieved the boxes sorry I didn't write sooner its been busy over here but the guys loved all the treats and they really enjoyed the hats. All the guys were wearing them. I enjoyed the beef jerky. I appreciate all the gifts. Thank you so much for it all!! I hope I can set an example for teenagers all over the world I am only 18. I got recognized by the commander of the base for being the youngest airman on base. It is hard being away from all of my friends and family on Christmas and new years and thanksgiving and missing so many birthdays but I do it for my family. It really touches me when I see the cards the kids make because I have 3 nieces and 2 nephews that love drawing pictures too. Thank you once again. Merry Christmas and Happy New Years! May God Bless you all for what you do for the troops. We all thank you for supporting us. From: Ford, Robert C SFC Subject: Re: MERRY CHRISTMAS Date: Friday, December 25, 2009, 1:54 AM I did receive the box right on time the day before X-MAS. I would like to take time out to thank you all from the bottom of my heart, it means so much to receive some thing from people who care so much. God will truly bless you and all your family, I hope you all keep me in your prayers on this most special time of the year. Rec'd 12/4/09 From: Josey's Nephew in IRAQ We leave here on Sunday. It is going to be a long arduous trip home. It will take about 10 days or so.. ugh. My replacement is here and his name is SFC Richard Armstead. His e-mail is ...I also have a request to help out a friend of mine from my team who is staying behind for an extra 6 months to be with his wife that is deployed right now as well. His name is SFC Robert Ford and email is ...We did get all the boxes and wow was that a lot of candy. hehe It was used and enjoyed to it's fullest though. Anyway I still hope to be home just before x-mas. Wish me luck and keep those fingers crossed. Talk to you all soon and as always Thank you! Rec'd Dec 4th, 2009 Mr & Mrs Dorr, This is SGT Paul M. Mahoney. I would like to take this time to thank you for the packages that you have sent and will send in the future. The men and women in my unit appreciate the thoughtful gifts. I will tell you a little about myself so you know who you are sending these packages to instead of just a name and rank....but understand some certain things will be withheld for security purposes. I am originally from Chicago, IL. I joined the Army when I was fresh out of high school. I was 18 with 2 kids and heading into a an economical disaster. There was little opportunity for my situation. This was just after 9-11. The sensible thing to do was join the Army. It is a great family organization. You might ask yourself why because they send us overseas, but until you in and experience it you learn it isnt as bad as people make it to be. So here I am 7 years later and I find myself on my 4th overseas deployment and I plan to make this a career. I am now 25 years old with an ageless, beautiful wife, and 4 awesome kids. I have 2 girls and 2 boys. They are 11, 7, 6, and 5. I am glad that I had them early because I wont be broken down and brittle when it comes time to start the football and baseball. I do hope to get a Business Degree and my Realtor License in order to start flipping houses. That is my dream for when I retire. As for things I like or like to do...Well I am what most people would call a sports nut. I am a die hard Bears fan and will be until the day I die!!!! I love comedy movies and stand up. Dane Cook is my Favorite. Have you heard of him? Growing up I always wanted to be a comedian or a comedic actor. It was my dream but I had to put that on hold to take care of my responsibilities. But....I live with no regrets!!!! I love my kids and if I had to do it all over again, I would not change a thing!!!! Overall, I live for sports and love to hear people laugh. That is me in a nut shell. About our mission here in Afghanistan, all I can tell you is we are looking to stop the Taliban from implacing IED's. (Improvised Explosive Devices) Overall we are here to instill peace and rid this country of Insurgents. I just play a small part in that. Mostly I am trying to do my job, to the best of my ability, and make it home safely to my family. I dislike it when people protest against us but really we are all the same. We are all trying to support our family the best way we know how and to give our kids a better life than we had....Am I right? Were all human and most of us try to do the right thing in life. Well, I will be in contact and if you have any more questions dont hesitate to ask. I will answer it to the best of my ability. Thank you again for the packages and i hope to hear from you soon. Take care and God Bless!!!!! Your Friend, From: Taylor, Lisa L.
510th CLT Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Thank you, how was your Thanksgiving?
Well mines was alright considering From: patrick mackey Hey Aunt Josie, I am leaving in about a month. No exact date yet and no replacement yet. I will have to let you know on that later on. I did get the big box with the pretzels and the stuffed animals. I am sure the others will make it in time. Thanks for everything you do... Talk to you all soon.... Pat 08 Oct 2009: From: Alexander, Theiring
R USA CPT USA 595th TTG Hello Josey, I am amazed at what you and
your team do for the troops. I am a chaplain, From: McNeill, Patrick
SrA 732 ESFS DET 2 Hi, I am the MWR NCOIC for my unit. I would like to submit myself as the POC to receive care packages from your organization. Our deployed address is added below this message. We currently have approx. 200 in out unit. (Not the exact number for OPSEC). Approx. 20 of our personnel are females. We arrived in country Jan 2009 and are scheduled to return home NLT 15 Jan 2010. Thank you in advance for you support. 23 Oct 2009: SGT Beeler 02 Sep 2009 SGT Beeler Hello, First I would like to say thank you for all of the awsome support, you are all so great. So we have started our work here in Afghan and we are having many soldiers that are getting injured and being flown back to my post with nothing. I was wondering if I can add alittle side project for these great hero that are coming to me with nothing. On average we have been recieve about 30 a week. Anything personal hygene they have nothing Shaving cream razors shower shoes towels wash clothes soap Shampoo And then of course they will need stuff to entertain them card games, board games, we are starting a tent area just for these soldiers I want them to know that we support them and hope they heal fast, and we have to remember that some of them have lost their battle buddies. thank you for the help anything will help SGT Beeler 17 Aug 2009 SPC Miles A. Anderson I am currently stationed at FOB XXXX with the 877HSC EN BN. The Unit Ministry Team has "The Agape Store" or "Free-X" Soldiers are able to come into the store and all items are free. When there is excess items, the Chaplain and I take them to other FOB's and they are distributed to the troops country wide. No items are wasted. The store is growin and recently provided itmes to the unit that was in search of a missing soldier captured by the Taliban. We are grateful for whatever support that can be offered. No service member is turned away and our presence is reaching into those who are not assigned to our unit. We serve on a FOB that has all branches re€presented. The following is a list of items that are always in demand: Good Shower Slides, Bath Towels, Coffee, Hot Chocolate Mix, p-nuts, Candy (all kinds/Single serve Pack), Small Caned Dinner (ravioli, beef and noodle,.....), DVD's (new or used/no porn), Mouth Wash, Coffee, Hot Chocolate Mix, Body Wash (Male and Female, Bath Towells, Light Bulbs (75W & 100W), Chips (Single Serve), Beef jerky, cookies (Single Serve), Any Snack Items Also, winter is comming and the snow will be falling. We are at 8000' and have access to hills on the FOB. We are looking for snow sleds and snow discs for the service members to have a little winter fun for morale. Thank you in advance for your support and may God Bless you. In His Service, SPC Miles A. Anderson Chaplain's Assistant 04 Aug 2009 SGT Beeler Greetings from afghanastan We are all getting settle here it is very hot here. I would like to thank all of the people that are supporting us troops over here in the sand box we wouldn't be able to be this strong with out the support of all of you so thank you from the bottom of our hearts. I do have more soldiers now another 50 or so. We would like to add a few thing to our wish list we would like drink packet (crystal light, kool aid any would be great) baby powder or body powder of any kind and everything else you all have been sending us is so awsome well I will write again soon once again thank you so much for all of the support. Thank you, SGT Beeler 24 Jun 2009 SGT Beeler Hello I'm in a unit that is getting started here and we are starting from the ground up. What I was hoping for is books of all kind, games (board games all and any would be so great) Card games (Skippo, uno, phase 10, and any other fun games you can all think of. Word search, soduko all of those fun mind games that the guys can take with them on the road. That they can put in a small bag if need be. Where we are the PX is stocked and sold out by the end of the day so any thing would be great chapstick, Sunscreen, lotion, shampoo and conditioner, leave in conditioner, mens bar soap, we have soldiers of all ethnic so anything would be great. Most of the females here use the always brand for pads and pearl. And shaving cream for male and female would be a live saver. I hope I have given you the information that you need to decide if you will help me and my unit. We all thank you for all the support you give to us. And I hope you pick us to help. Sorry we are from Fort Lewis, Washington. From:
Cobb, Richard R Jr 1LT MIL USA Hi all, 1LT Richard Cobb From: Scott Ebel Subject: thank you Date: Monday, March 23, 2009, 3:01 PM hey
i recieved your second package a while back andi just wanted to get back
to you and say thank you very much From: Lindsey, Danny L USA SSG USA HHD 6th Trans BN Subject: RE: HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY Date: Friday, February 13, 2009, 11:33 PM Dear Josey: Thank you
so much for the nice email. I did get your box YOUR FRIEND From: Alynn Rivera Subject: Re: HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY Date: Saturday, February 14, 2009, 5:12 AM Hello Joesy and Jeff.
Thank you for the box. We did recieve it. We are all delighted and very
thankful. Hope you guys are doing well- thanks again. Greatly appreciated! From: Bowden LT Jennifer D (AA MWSS H&S CHAPLAIN) Subject: Happy Valentine's Day! Date: Monday, February 9, 2009, 6:55 AM Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Greetings Josey and Jeff! We want to thank you for the box filled with home-baked goodies, Valentine’s candy, cards, sermons, and stuffed animals! The dips and chips are already gone and I can’t even remember what kinds of home-baked cookies were in the box because they were gone within a few minutes of putting the word out! Thank you SO much! We are at a point in the deployment where your care package made all the difference in morale. Thank you for your support and encouragement to the Sweathogs! Unfortunately, our web-site has been taken down. However, we will be putting together an account of the deployment and I will make sure you receive a copy. We will not be able to receive mail out here after 1 March. Any packages received will be sent back to our ‘home’ in Beaufort , SC. Thank you again. I will keep in touch as we move closer to our return home and appreciate your contributions to this deployment! Have a blessed day! Jen LT Jennifer D. Bowden, CHC, USN MWSS-273, Chaplain From: Cobb, Richard R Jr 1LT MIL USA USAREUR 7A Hi all From: Rivera, Pedro A USA SFC USA JPOTF Date: Thursday, January 22, 2009, 11:58 PM It was really nothing compared
to all you guys have done for our troops. WE ARE GOING HOME!!! Thank you for being the kind
of people that you are. I truly believe Pedro From: Scott Ebel I WOULD LIKE TO THANK YOU VERY
IT. THANK YOU VERY MUCH I APPRECIATE IT SO VERY MUCH 1/10/09 It took a few days because of the time difference between Japan and TN
where he lives but we did connect. And I was finally, after all these
years, able to thank him for his service and tell him I have always been
so grateful he returned alive. He told me how much it meant to him as
a young, 20 year old soldier to receive something from someone he didn't
know back home and to know that someone was thinking of him and appreciating
what he was doing. I'm sure the fine service men and women we have today
who are receiving packages from people like Susan feel the same. I guess
some things never change. |
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