Here are some emails sent from our troops...
Other years are here: 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008-2005
From 2010 From: Cooke, James R CPT
Josey and Jeff, We received the Christmas
package yesterday. Thanks so much. Please pass my CPT Cooke From: Cooke, James R CPT From: Cooke, James R CPT USA To: "' Date: Tuesday, October 19, 2010, 12:26 PM Josey and Jeff, I received your package yesterday and was highly impressed with the contents. Thanks so much for the Magic Jacks and all the snacks. Hopefully you've been able to use a Magic Jack yourself to understand how important they are to all the Soldiers here. We have been blessed to be on a FOB that has a pretty decent standard of living. It is rather large and most of the guys have no transportation so being able to call home to family and friends from their rooms is not only a morale boost but a timesaver. I have given our Chaplain the DVDs. Right now I'm helping him build a "sanctuary" for the Soldiers. We'll be here all year so if you need a unit to support, we will gladly accept care packages. Treats For The Troops is an awesome organization so please pass my thanks on to all the staff and volunteers. Thank you for keeping us in your thoughts. I look forward to hearing from Ms. Martinez soon. If you need anything from me, please ask and I will help you in any way I can. Respectfully, CPT JAMES COOKE From: Stoddard, Sean G SSG USA Subject: RE: Troop_Request (UNCLASSIFIED) Date: Sunday, December 19, 2010, 1:56 AM Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Hi Josey, Its sure is the same! Thanks
again for your support and Merry Christmas Sean Date: Saturday, December 18, 2010, 1:39 AM Anything you can send would
be great. Date: Friday, December 17, 2010, 8:53 AM Ma'am, From: Cooke, James
R CPT Josey and Jeff, I received the 50lbs of candy
today. Wow! I think there was something for Please thank Ms. Dickerson's
class for the cards and Ms. Shari O'Connor for Thanks so much for the continued support. CPT Cooke Subject: Re: Request
for Treats for Troops Hello Josey, I received the mongo box of candy! It was fantastic, and believe it or not, was almost completely gone in less than a day (I put out ziploc baggies and everyone was able to pick their favorite treats. The guys in my group were thrilled with the variety and even took some of the toothbrushes. Please check out where I have thank Treats for Troops and listed the website so, hopefully, donations will make their way to you. Thank you again; the candy really made the day for many soldiers. Best regards, SGT Corbin 11/10/2010 Dear Jeff and Josey Dorr, I received the monstrous
box you sent and distributed the contents. This I cannot adequately express
in words the appreciation our service
In short, you will truly never know just how much your love means to us. Sincerely, October 18, 2010 Josey and Jeff, I received your package yesterday
and was highly impressed with the contents. I have given our Chaplain
the DVDs. Right now I'm helping him build a We'll be here all year so
if you need a unit to support, we will gladly accept Thank you for keeping us
in your thoughts. I look forward to hearing from Ms. Respectfully, CPT JAMES COOKE Subject: Request for Treats
for Troops Hello, My name is SGT Andre Corbin and I am deployed to Tarin Kowt, Afghanistan until February of 2011 and am hoping to receive some care packages to share with my soldiers (there are about 10 of us). Items such as protein bars,
beef jerky, raw almonds/nuts, and healthy snacks Thank you very much for your support. Best regards, SGT Corbin A letter mailed to us on October 5, 2010 From Ryan Fitzpatrick, SPC Greetings from Afghanistan! I wanted to send you a little note to let you know that we received the mail you sent. It is hard to put into workds the gratitude that is felt by us all. Receiveing mail from a stranger to let us know that people still care is an awesome feeling. I want to say thank you for your time, money and kind spirit... From: Armstead, Richard J II SFC MIL USA FORSCOM Date: Tuesday, June 8, 2010, 5:54 AM Yes ma'am, I got the box yesterday and We saw our Iraqi counterparts today. They were thrilled and were passing the gifts out and will continue till they are gone. Thank You so much. We are 30 days away from leaving and I am so excited. We all can't wait to get home to our love ones. I wanted to thank you and your organization again for all that you did for us and the Iraqi people. Please take care and God Bless you Doc Armstead From: Barnette, Michael
P CPT MIL USA FORSCOM <> Greetings from Iraq, Many weeks have passed since I last sent out a wide spread update on our efforts here in Iraq. I wanted to let you know how much we have appreciated the donations you have sent and continue to send to us here. Our soldiers are still reaping the benefit from your thoughtfulness and giving and I appreciate that. I also wanted to let you know that your donations become even more vital to our people in the coming months as we transition here at our location. With the drawdown in Iraq beginning soon we will also see less support by way of any PX facililtites, dining facilities will close at the smaller locations like ours, and some of the "luxuries" will be leaving (.i.e. laundry, MWR facilities, etc). Th hygiene, snacks, entertainment, and every other gift you send will become even more valuable to our people. I assure you, what you send we will get it to our soldiers. Your donations are used for the purpose they are sent, and gratefully. I have attached a few pictures from a recent Humanitarian Assistance Mission we conducted in our area. We had particular items such as toys, clothes, and food that were donated to be given to the people. My Assistant and I, along with a security force of our soldiers, visited a nearby village of extremely poor people where we were able to pass out the clothes and toys to the children and adults. It is a starke reminder of the blessings we enjoy as Americans, in contrast to the life many of these people have become accustomed to over here. Hopefully, in the years to come, more Iraqi citizens will benefit from a free democratic society. That is our hope. God bless you all, CH (CPT) Michael P. Barnette
USA From: Ellis, Tina M PFC USA
USA TF Rakkasan S1 Hey Josey and friends sorry
I have not gotten to you I was actually sent PFC Ellis, Tina & TF Rakkasan From: Alexander, Theiring R CPT MIL USA USA USARCENT Subject: [UNCLASSIFIED / NONE] RE: HAPPY EASTER Date: Tuesday, April 6, 2010, 2:19 AM UNCLASSIFIED / NONE
CH Alexander From: Brent Pietila
From: Acosta, Julia M PFC USA 419th MCB HHD Date: Monday, March 29, 2010, 6:50 AM Clssification: UNCLASSIFIED Josey, -----Original Message----- From: Acosta, Julia M PFC USA 419th MCB HHD Sent: Saturday, March 13, 2010 4:31 PM Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Caveats: FOUO Dear Josey, We received your package. WOW! I divided the goodies into gift bags for the lower Enlisted and distributed the large heart boxes of chocolate to each section. As I write this, I am happily buzzed on marshmallow Peeps and Russell Stover Chocolates. So, thank you for that! I don't know if this is purely coincidental, but I was born and raised in Albany, NY--Loudonville and Latham to be specific. I graduated from Shaker High School and attended Russell Sage College and SUNY Albany. Thank you and all the awesome Walgreen's customers so much. Sincerey, PFC Julia Acosta Jeff Mitchell I am a Battalion Chaplain serving with Airborne Combat Engineers from Fort Bragg, NC. Sending care packages is a wonderful way to lift the morale of my soldiers. When you send care packages I disperse what you send me to my entire battalion. We have soldiers serving in dangerous situations in remote Forward Operating Bases and greatly appreciate your support. Anything that you send to me will be used to lift the morale of many! Thank you for what you do to support our great military! Attached is a picture of me leading a platoon in prayer just before going out on a mission. Thanks so much for your support of our troops! Specific things that go over really well to lift the morale of my soldiers are new or used DVDs and music CDs, dartboards and darts for office / living areas, recreational equipment and board games, Sunscreen, guitar strings, snack food, tobacco products, and toiletry items. Our soldiers serve in a remote location and we do not have access to a post exchange to purchase basic supplies. As we interact with the Afghan population in on our missions it would be really great to be able to provide the Afghan children with basic school supplies such as pencils and composite notebooks, soccer balls and other toys, and candy. Our sucess in Afghanistan depends heavily on the relationships we build with the Afghan nationals! v/r, From: Acosta, Julia M PFC
USA 419th MCB HHD Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Dear Josey, I received a 2nd box loaded
with toiletries. I organized the supplies by Sincerely, From: Ford, Robert C SFC
MIL USA FORSCOM Thank you all for all you do for me and the guy's. The boxes have all made it and every body enjoys everything that is sent. I don't really know what to say sometimes, but the most important thing I can say is Thank You from the bottom of my heart. You don't know how good it makes me fill to receive the boxes and be able to share the joy with the guy's. You are very special people and the lord will really bless you for all you do for all the soldiers like me. From: Acosta, Julia M PFC
USA 419th MCB HHD Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Dear Josey, We received your package. WOW! I divided the goodies into gift bags for the lower Enlisted and distributed the large heart boxes of chocolate to each section. As I write this, I am happily buzzed on marshmallow Peeps and Russell Stover Chocolates. So, thank you for that! I don't know if this is purely coincidental, but I was born and raised in Albany, NY -- Loudonville and Latham to be specific. I graduated from Shaker High School and attended Russell Sage College and SUNY Albany. Thank you and all the awesome Walgreen's customers so much. Sincerey, From: Stone, Charles J CPT
USA USF-I 49th MP BDE/MPBD Dear Treats for Troops Volunteers, I want to convey my deepest appreciation for your support to the troops of the 49th Military Police Brigade. Your packages have been sent all over the battlefield here in Iraq. We have also sent many of your boxes to others here at the Victory Base Complex. The items are very helpful here as both useful and small reminders of home. Thank you very much. v/r CPT Charles Stone |
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